Random thoughts and musings. Part of an oliology.


Donnerstag, Oktober 26, 2006

Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft

Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft has been released today (and Kubuntu). Sometime during the next few days, I'll reinstall my system with it (I won't do an upgrade as my system has collected quite some cruft in the meantime).

Ubuntu 6.10 Edgy Eft ist heute herausgekommen (und Kubuntu). Werd die Tage mal eine Neuinstallation damit machen (kein Upgrade, da sich auf meinem System inzwischen einiges an Müll angesammelt hat).

Oliver @ 18:57 | Permalink | 1 comments/Kommentare


Zwei Meinungen dazu aus dem Ubuntu-Forum "I should've never left Dapper":

1) My conclusion, unless you're doing a clean install, don't bother with Edgy. It's Ubuntu's single most worthless product.

2) Well, once I got edgy installed, from a clean install, I've found it to work like a charm. Boot up time is cut by half, everything is pretty and nice.

PS: Warum bloß ist "blockquote" im Kommentar nicht erlaubt?

Anonymous Dániel @ 18:52  

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